Congratulations on finishing finals! Thank you for all your support and participation this quarter. We have had a fun-filled 10 weeks and none of our success and growth would have been possible without the help from our alumni, faculty members, sponsors, and of course, you and all our ASCE student members. On behalf of our ASCE officers, we wish you a Happy Holiday and we look forward to seeing all of you next year!
It has been an exciting first six weeks for us! After displaying our projects at recruitment events such as Enormous Activities Fair, Engineering Welcome Day, and ASCE Open House in the initial weeks of the quarter, our project involvement is at an all-time high! Our project members have kicked up the intensity with aggressive schedules and have provided multiple opportunities for teaching younger students with brief presentations on engineering components of the projects at the start of each workday. This high level of involvement and hard work will prove extremely beneficial in preparation for our competitions at the Pacific Southwest Conference in Long Beach, CA, the EERI Student Seismic Design Competition in San Francisco, CA, and the Associated Schools of Construction Regions 6&7 Competition in Sparks, NV.
Welcome back! School just began and we are extremely excited for the upcoming year. At our recent officer retreat, we created our mission statement for the year:
Creating relationships to build a strong, welcoming community. We were able to combine our goals of bringing in new members, increasing member involvement, and improving collaboration between projects, chapters, and clubs into this one statement, which really sums up our goals for the year. We hope to see everybody come out to our ASCE Open House on October 7th, where students can learn about our projects and all the other ways to get involved. In the following week, we will have our Fall General Meeting, where students will hear more about specific upcoming events as well as hear from our guest speaker, a past ASCE at UCLA President, Ryan Vanderlip. In November, we will host the CEE Fall Career Fair, which already has over 20 companies confirmed to attend. It is shaping up to be an awesome fall quarter and even better year! |
BlogWelcome to the official blog of ASCE at UCLA!
December 2021