ASCE-ITE Transportation
As California residents, we experience traffic congestion and can spend many hours in a car stuck in the middle of slow-moving freeways every day. Average Americans waste 38 to 42 hours in traffic per year, which accounts for $124 billion of indirect or direct cost in our economy. Collision numbers are also soaring high as they reached nearly 5.5 million as of 2010. As transportation engineers, we try to alleviate our real life problems by finding the appropriate balance among efficiency, safety, and capacity through series of studies and analysis. We also must design for pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit users, as doing so supports a region's economy, public health, and quality of life.
The Transportation Design project is a relatively new addition to PSWC, and it involves different aspects of transportation engineering every year. Typically, the project challenges us to find ways to improve things like traffic and safety. Before going to the competition, we collect data on the streets with the help of municipal or private organizations. We then analyze the data to formulate the best solutions and improvements based on engineering judgments. In this process, we work with drafting software like AutoCAD Civil 3D to visually present our solutions, like in any actual transportation engineering design firm. At the competition, we present renderings of our design on a poster board and explain our design process.
The Transportation Design project is a relatively new addition to PSWC, and it involves different aspects of transportation engineering every year. Typically, the project challenges us to find ways to improve things like traffic and safety. Before going to the competition, we collect data on the streets with the help of municipal or private organizations. We then analyze the data to formulate the best solutions and improvements based on engineering judgments. In this process, we work with drafting software like AutoCAD Civil 3D to visually present our solutions, like in any actual transportation engineering design firm. At the competition, we present renderings of our design on a poster board and explain our design process.
This project not only helps students learn and appreciate transportation design, but also gives additional opportunities to collaborate with the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) at UCLA. The ITE at UCLA student chapter mainly focuses on transportation engineering and provides many professional development and networking events for students as well. Working closely with them allows our members to explore different aspects of engineering and increases the civil engineering presence at UCLA.
We would really appreciate it if you can help us fund this project through sponsorship and workshops. For more information, please contact any of the project managers. If you are a student interested in joining our team, check out our Facebook group!